Experienced Strata Managers help
An unusual situation arose when attending a meeting in North Adelaide recently where a corporation had invited us to attend with a motion for our appointment as body corporate managers on the agenda...there was one vote against our appointment!
This is unusual as our managers are among the most experienced in the state, we offer a service that is unparalleled, have many existing clients gladly providing testimonials and our management prices have been cheaper than existing managers for every corporation we have taken on with corporations saving up to 50% on their annual administration charges!
The comments from this particular owner were based on the length of time that the management company had been in existence and we thought the comments were fair enough, Strata Management SA was not formed in the 1970s, but is this important? does this provide any value for your strata?

Strata Management SA is run by its directors, Paul Stephenson and Michael Haines who have both worked for other strata management companies in Adelaide and have seen these businesses go through large numbers of staff changes (Macquarie Bank have previously reported at strata industry conferences that body corporate managers last on average 15 months in their position).
Many companies have poor record keeping practices that result in new managers coming in with little or no knowledge transferred from the person sitting in the chair before them and as such the body corporate management company is only as good as the staff members actively working on your corporation.
At Strata Management SA we have staff working behind the scenes in accounts and administration but the only staff members working on the management of your body corporate (the ones you will talk to, will attend your meeting, approve your invoices for payment, negotiate with suppliers on your behalf) are Paul and Michael who between them have in excess of 20 years experience in specialized body corporate management in addition to experience with business, property management, insurance and training.
The clients comments were fair and experience does matter, but is the experience of the manager dealing with your property, not the company they work for that is important and at Strata Management SA the stability and experience of our body corporate managers is here for your corporation to take advantage of!
We were appointed as managers for that property and look forward to proving over many years ahead that the body corporate made the right choice.
2018 update - we are still happily working with that corporation who have just completed a major job in a full roof replacement. The team at Strata Management SA continues to grow with multiple experienced body corporate managers who pride themselves in offering practical solutions and advice to their clients.