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Levy notices by Post or Email?

Do you check your mail box every day, or like many of us are you more likely to check your email?

The message below was received from a client during the festive season break:

I apologise, I was expecting my strata fees via email and so have only just returned home to my account which was due on Wednesday.

I will pay on wednesday and apologise for the lateness of the payment. Is there anyway i can receive then via email - I never check my letterbox and fear this could happen again.

In this case the levy was due on 1st January and given the 30 day grace period before penalties are applied for late payment there will be no interest or account keeping charges.

The client (much like myself) doesn't check the letterbox too often as levies are posted and emailed 3-4 weeks prior to the due date.

It is your choice how you receive your levy notices, or meeting information (most urgent or important communication is delivered by email) but the default for these notices under the Strata and Community Titles legislation is to use Australia Post unless we have been authorized to email them.

While for many clients it is the simplicity or convenience that leads them to choose email rather than post there is also the environmental benefits as we continue to strive toward minimizing paper usage within the office and then the economic benefit with Australia Post raising their pricing for postage yet again.

At Strata Management SA we are happy for our clients to receive their levies as suits them best, without judgement, fear or favour. If you prefer emails that's fine, and if you'd rather have a hard copy for your file that is fine too.

If you would like to make a change to how you receive any information from our office please feel free to message:

Happy New Year, we hope that 2020 is a fantastic year ahead for you and yours!


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