Self Managed Group bullying owner
In late 2014 I was called upon by an owner within a small group of 3 units who advised that there were issues in the unit group which was...

How to Change your Strata Manager
We have been fielding queries from unit and lot owners recently advising that they are unhappy with non-responsive and expensive service...

Smoke Alarms in Apartments
Smoke Alarms are covered under regulation 76B of the Development Act 1993 which places the following minimum legislative requirements on...
There's a Snake in the driveway, what do I do?
With the weather starting to warm up this is the time of the year that we start seeing snakes active in residential areas and hear from...

What is a Strata Manager?
Strata Managers are property professionals who are responsible for the administration of multi dwelling units. In South Australia they...
What are Company Titles?
Company Titles are a form of property ownership pre-dating strata titles (which were first introduced in New South Wales in 1961 and then...